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Zoom Only Session

Life Path Reading & Strategy Session

What did you choose to do before you came?

The truth is you came here on purpose with a purpose and your birthdate reveals the clues to the path you chose, and explains the journey you're on. The dreams, gifts, and struggles you have are all part of your soul's plan to experience, express, and expand who you really are and who you came here to be. In this 90 minute session we deep dive into essential aspects about your soul design (and those close to you) and start to make sense out of what has, is, and could happen in your life. You will discover *your soul mission (the focus & theme of your soul's intention for being here) *nemesis (your kryptonite, that one quality that always gets you down) *super power (the #1 quality you were born with to help you succeed) *venom (how your darkest side lashes out and masks your true self) *vail (how you hide from your soul's path and play small) *innate qualities (the qualities you came here to express and grow) *personal year number (the energy frequency that surrounds you now) *values, dreams, & goals (what you really want) *pain points & patterns (what's in your way) *3 steps you can take now to move toward your soul path goals. *3 tools to help you navigate your journey​

1 h 30 min
222 US dollars

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